Case Studies

Universal Studios® Theme Park, Los Angeles, CA
Description of Business:
Entertainment−Amusement Park
Case Partner
A popular family theme park attraction, Universal Studios, was in need of purified water for cleaning the 3D glasses that guests used on many of the attractions. One park employee would be held responsible for cleaning hundreds of glasses during a shift by hand, many of which were left with streaks and spots due to the high TDS (total dissolved solids) in the water being used.
Millions of visitors flock to the park on a yearly basis, so Universal Studios was in need of an advanced-yetsimple water treatment solution for their rides.
Universal Studios now uses reverse osmosis water at its attractions, so that any water that comes in contact with 3D glasses dries with no spots or streaking. To accomplish this, a AXEON® DT−20000 Reverse Osmosis System was installed and brought online.

Equipment Installed:
- AXEON DT−20000 Reverse Osmosis System
The Results/Customer Benefits:
The use of the AXEON Reverse Osmosis System at Universal Studios:
- Provided a purified water option for cleaning 3D glasses used by customers on park rides—which allowed for tremendous savings on labor and maintenance that would typically be lost with hand cleaning.
- Impressed employees and customers alike with the highquality water output and 2-3 ppm TDS product water.
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