Better than Sanitizer — The First Industrial Strength Probiotic Cleaner
ASYNBIO utilizes patented biotechnology with an eco-friendly footprint that delivers a safe microbiome in water and in air. ASYNBIO is a GREEN alternative, made of 100% all natural ingredients, combining powerful probiotics with prebiotics to a produce a chemical-free alternative to conventional chemical use. The end use is an efficient, long-lasting cleaning solution that stimulates good, stable microbiology.
A Safe Alternative to Chemicals
If you are looking to move away from traditional chemical disinfectants, ASYNBIO is a safe and effective method. Consider these benefits:
Completely Safe - Most disinfectants contain chemicals that can be harmful to humans and the planet. ASYNBIO is completely safe and free from chemicals.
Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) – The term “Superbug” is a simple way of describing a situation where a pathogen is resistant to the treatment of Antibiotics and Disinfectants.
Penetrates Biofilms – Biofilms are slimy shelters that pathogens form to protect themselves against disinfectants. Disinfectants are unable to penetrate biofilm structures, and the pathogens use these safe havens to multiply in great numbers and share their DNA.
More Thorough Cleaning – The ability to sterilize a surface depends on the use of cleaners and applying it to every and all surfaces. Usually, this is an impossible task especially inside piping, equipment, tanks, etc.

Aqua Guard ProTM
for Biofilm Treatment
AXEON has tested and validated that Aqua Guard Pro™ is an effective solution for the treatment of biofilm in most water treatment, distribution and storage water applications. The product can be part of a regularly scheduled preventative maintenance program to effectively treat biofilm buildup in critical commercial and industrial applications.

Air Guard ProTM
for Sanitization
AXEON has tested and validated that Air Guard Pro™ is an effective solution for the treatment of foul odors, bacteria and other biologicals found indoors and outdoors. Its application is with the use of misters or foggers depending on the application and environmental factors.




Healthcare & Bioprocessing

HVAC / Plumbing


Oil & Gas

Power Generation

Pulp & Paper

The combination of probiotics and prebiotics in one product is called synbiotics. The synbiotic cleaners form a healthy microflora during and after cleaning for optimum sustainable hygiene and rigorous infection control.
Probiotics are live microorganisms, otherwise referred to as “Good Bacteria”.
“Probiotics are defined as live microorganisms that confer a health benefit on the host [8]. The most common types of microbes used as probiotics are lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which are generally consumed as part of fermented foods, such as yoghurts or dietary supplements. Criteria for probiotic bacteria include that the bacterial strain:
- 1. must be able to survive in the gastrointestinal tract and to proliferate in the gut;
- 2. should exert benefits to the host through growth and/or activity in the human body;
- 3. should be non-pathogenic and non-toxic;
- 4. provide protection against pathogenic microorganisms by means of multiple mechanisms; and
- 5. should be lacking transferable antibiotic resistance"..
Prebiotics are sugars that can only be digested by good microorganisms. In the case of the synbiotic cleaners, prebiotic sugars are also present, which stimulate the already present good microorganisms through a delayed action. In this way, ASYNBIO’s synbiotic cleansers feed the already present good microorganisms which promotes the diversity of the microflora in a positive direction.
It is now understood that real hygiene and infection control is no longer the radical control of all microorganisms, but instead the maintenance of a balanced and healthy microbiome.
Our synbiotic technology ensures optimum hygiene by
- (1) keeping a surface clean via a cleaning effect and
- (2) supporting good microorganisms.
(1) Keeping a surface clean through a cleaning effect:
Cleaning has been at the basis of hygiene for a century. “Cleaning means breaking down dirt, which separates the dirt from the substrate and brings it into a dissolved or colloidal state and makes it easier to remove mechanically and / or physically."
The purer a surface can be kept, the smaller the chance that microorganisms can develop, since they can only feed on pollution. Each type of cleaning and each type of cleaning product will therefore give rise to a lower risk of microbial contamination by reducing the contamination.
Traditional cleaners work via surface-active (chemical) substances that bind to dirt to release it. Later enzymatic cleaners were added that add enzymes (biological substances) that act on certain specific contaminants for longer.
ASYNBIO developed the latest technology in the field of cleaning: probiotic cleaning. The effect of the probiotic product is based on the combination of surfactants and probiotics.
The major advantage that ASYNBIO’s probiotic products have over traditional chemical or enzymatic cleaners is that the 100% natural probiotic can analyse the surface to see which type of dirt is present. They will then produce highly targeted enzymes on site for days that will break down the contaminated soil and separate it from the substrate and bring it into a dissolved or colloidal state making it easier to remove mechanically and / or physically. This therefore ensures a much wider and longer operation. Probiotic cleaners ensure maximum cleaning!
(2) Supporting good microorganisms.
Killing unwanted microorganisms is no longer the solution. This causes resistance and instability in the microflora. ASYNBIO’s probiotic and synbiotic technology ensures a stable, healthy microbiome through the stimulation of good microorganisms. The high number of probiotics in the products immediately increases the number of good bacteria on the surface (after all, the probiotics are good micro-organisms themselves). In the case of the synbiotic cleaners, prebiotic sugars are also present, which stimulate the already present good microorganisms through a delayed action. Prebiotics are sugars that can only be digested by good microorganisms. In this way, ASYNBIO’s synbiotic cleansers feed the already present good microorganisms. This promotes the diversity of the microflora in a positive direction.
Probiotic and synbiotic cleaners ensure an efficient, long-term cleaning effect and stimulate good, stable microbiology.
There is an important difference between cleansing and disinfection, both on surfaces and in water.
Cleaning: Removing dirt from a surface (a material or our skin). This is done with soaps (or detergents).
Decontamination: Make a surface free of microorganisms by killing them. This is done with biocides (or disinfectants).
Both soaps and biocides are completely chemical in composition, the biocides containing an active substance that is killing micro-organisms. Nowadays, soaps and biocides are sometimes combined, whereby one product should do both cleaning and killing (eg Dettol). The ultimate goal is therefore to ensure that microorganisms and their food source (= dirt) are no longer present in our environment through cleaning and disinfection.
The use of the detergents and disinfectants initially proved to work well and it was fairly easy to make a surface free of dirt and microorganisms. However, due to their long time on earth, microorganisms have learned to adapt rapidly to changing circumstances. Very quickly (a few decades) after the introduction of disinfectants, the microorganisms found ways to circumvent this threat, which we now call resistance. This means that the microorganisms are increasingly able to survive an attack of disinfectants. The efficiency of disinfectants is therefore becoming less and less.
There is also an increasing problem with regard to cleaning agents. One of the mechanisms that the microorganisms use to defend themselves against these chemical attacks is the formation of increasingly tenacious biofilms. As a result, the cleaning agents (soaps, detergents) can no longer efficiently remove dirt from surfaces because it is increasingly stuck in biofilms that are almost impenetrable to soaps.
In addition to the Resistance issue, there is a greater danger behind chemical cleaning and disinfection. The influence on microbial dynamics is such that the microbial community or microflora is increasingly directed towards a harmful microflora.
What happens with chemical cleaning and disinfection:
If we take a surface where there is food, moisture and space to keep a microbial community of up to 100 microorganisms alive; immediately after disinfection, the number of microorganisms will have reduced sharply.
However, due to the resistance, a number of microorganisms will survive this disinfection. A disinfectant has no after-effect, so these survivors will start to regrow after a few minutes. After all, they suddenly have a lot of place (the vacant places of the killed microorganisms), food (the killed microorganisms themselves serve as a source of food) and moisture (brought along with the disinfectants).
Since resistant harmful germs survive a disinfection attack best, and therefore grow faster, each disinfection will result in a microbial community that contains more and more resistant harmful germs.

Both surfaces still have the same number of microorganisms, but the proportion of harmful germs is much higher due to resistance problems when disinfectants are used.
The more humans use disinfectants, the more resistant and harmful germs are found. This is the decontamination paradox.
Because probiotic and synbiotic cleansing is a new technology, ASYNBIO has devoted a great deal of attention from the start of the development to demonstrating the safety of the products and especially the probiotic strains used
- ASYNBIO probiotics and synbiotics meet the following criteria:
- All probiotics used belong to ATCC safety class 1 (= highest safety)
- The pro / prebiotics are 100% natural, not genetically modified (non-GMO)
- The pro / prebiotics are listed on the list of safe ingredients of the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) for processing in food
- Passed the following official OECD safety tests:
- Food safe according to the American FDA (GRAS status)
- OECD 403 Inhalation toxicity
- OECD 404 Acute skin irritation / corrosion
- OECD 405 Acute eye irritation / corrosion
- OECD 406 Skin sensation
- The products meet the EU Ecolabel criteria
- The prebiotics and probiotics meet the criteria for use in cosmetics
- 10 years of safe use in hospitals and clinical studies
Product quality
To guarantee the proper functioning and safety of every product, a sound quality system is of great importance. ASYNBIO has the ISO9001 quality certificate since 1999. This guarantees the proper functioning of the entire company. In addition, ASYNBIO has 2 laboratories that are equipped with all the required modern technology to be able to carry out thorough quality control. Producing products with probiotics is not easy and guaranteeing purity requires modern equipment and specialized lab technicians.
Product Operation
The operation of all ASYNBIO products is always externally validated by specialized academic or private institutions. ASYNBIO’s regular research partners include UGent, Eurofins, SGS and BMA Labor.
It may be that a disinfection is nevertheless required, for example due to legal provisions in the healthcare sector, food industry, or as pre-treatment of an air conditioner.
The combination of probiotic and synbiotic cleaning with disinfection is perfectly possible.
The disinfectants used will work even more efficiently because the pro and synbiotic cleaners actively remove organic dirt that would otherwise work against disinfectants.
For optimum hygiene, ensure that you first clean the material or surface to be cleaned with a probiotic or synbiotic cleaner. This removes all organic pollution. By removing this dirt and grease layer, you can easily reach stubborn bacteria, fungi and germs that are located below with a disinfectant. A cleaning agent does not do this. When the disinfectant has run out, the probiotics of the probiotic or synbiotic cleanser will continue to germinate and provide good microflora and long-term protection.
Even if we strive for a situation where biocides (disinfectants) are used as little as possible; if it is necessary then it is very useful to know that the combination with probiotic and synbiotic cleaning is perfectly possible and makes the disinfection even more efficient.
This is the total of microorganisms that are located in a particular environment; whether they work together as a community or not.
Despite their small size microorganisms are very smart. They know how to work together perfectly in order to survive as well as possible. The first traces of microorganisms on earth are already 3 billion years old, so they have much more experience than humans.
Wherever they occur (soil, air, water, animal, plant), microorganisms organize themselves into a community: the microbial community or microflora. Such communities can be very diverse and also very complex. Every kind of micro-organism has its task and contributes to the community. Together they only have one goal: to survive as long as possible together.
A more recent term is microbiome.
When a microbial community is on a solid surface and forms a “layer" there, it is called a biofilm. A well-known example of biofilm is the black tile joints in a shower. A biofilm consists of many different types of micro-organisms and all sorts of substances that they produce.
These substances can serve as food or as a protective layer against external influences. So the micro-organisms build a house to protect themselves and live together.
Unfortunately, biofilm often has adverse consequences for humans. It causes visual pollution, is a source of odor nuisance and is also a hiding place for many germs or pathogens.
No. The selection of the types of probiotics and prebiotics are crucial for the proper functioning of our products. A wide variety of species are available and it is very important to know what effect a certain species has under certain circumstances. ASYNBIO has been doing research for many years to select the best performing probiotic bacteria and prebiotic sugars for the desired application. For example, a probiotic Lactobacillus, known from the probiotic nutritional supplements, will be practically worthless for environmental applications. The Bacillus species used by ASYNBIO, originating from soil and water, are ultra-efficient!
There is also a question of product stability; The number of pre- and probiotics in the product is also of great importance. Our products contain an absolute minimum of 50 million probiotics per ml. Certain products go up to half a billion per ml!
We recognize that probiotics and prebiotics must survive the entire life of the product. This is why we use ASYNBIO technology, who is the market leader in terms of stability and gives all of its products a maximum shelf life of 3 years.
How effective is Aqua Guard Pro with ASYNBIO technology?

Biological growth treated with Aqua Guard Pro only after 48 hours
Synbiotics vs Disinfection
Antibiotics and disinfectants/biocides result in microbial resistance and instability in the microflora. On the contrary, Synbio technology ensures a stable, healthy microbiome by stimulating good microorganisms. The high number of pre and probiotics in the products immediately increases the number of good bacteria on the surface (after all, the probiotics are good micro-organisms themselves). The prebiotic sugars stimulate the already present good micro-organisms through delayed action. Prebiotics are sugars that can only be digested by good microorganisms. In this way, the Synbiotic cleaners “give food" to the already present good microorganisms. This promotes the diversity of the microbiome in a positive direction. Synbiotic cleaners provide an efficient, long-lasting cleaning solution and stimulate good, stable microbiology.
The high number of proper probiotics in ASYNBIO™ products will increase the number of bacteria on the surface (probiotics are good microorganisms). Prebiotics are sugars that can only be digested by good microorganisms. In this way, the ASYNBIO products “gives good food" to the already present good microorganisms. The prebiotic sugars stimulate the already present good microorganisms through a delayed action. This promotes the diversity of the microbiome in a positive direction. ASYNBIO technology provides an efficient, long-lasting cleaning effect and stimulate good, stable microbiology without the need of harmful chemicals.